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Showing posts from August, 2023

My Experience in UTD's 8-Week AI Summer Camp

  During this summer, three of my family friends and I embarked on an exciting journey by enrolling in UT Dallas' AI Summer Camp. After eight weeks of immersive learning, I'm now ready to provide insights into this unique experience and help you determine if the $1200 registration fee is a worthy investment. First up, let's talk logistics. Way before the camp began, we faced a little challenge – getting to the campus . The camp runs from 9:30 AM to 4:00 PM, and even though you can do it online, trust me, being there in person is way better. You get to learn from the teachers and understand the complex material much better. This means that a lot of people, me and my friends included, had to find ways to cut down on travel costs. We found that carpooling was an excellent solution that reduced fuel costs and allowed flexibility for our parents' schedules. So, if you're thinking of going, sort out your ride first. Next, lets get to the main part of the camp - the materi